AAPC School Maintenance Grant for Toilets Cleaning | **TG SCHOOLS**

AAPC School Maintenance Grant for Toilets Cleaning

        School Education Department -  "School Facility Maintenance Grant to all Government, Local body and Model Schools in Telangana State" - Orders - Issued.

  1. Government of Telangana with a view to improve management of schools has formed Amma Adarsha Patashala Committee (AAPC) for every school. This Amma Adarsha Patashala Committee (AAPC) is entrusted with the responsibility of school maintenance.
  2. At present Maintenance of toilets cleaning of school premises and watering of plants in Schools has become an issue as the same has been entrusted to Panchayat Raj Department for Rural Schools and Municipal Administration Department for Urban Schools is not effectively done by respective departments.
  3. The School sanitation is a very important hygiene requirement, Therefore, Government is hereby decide to entrust the responsibility Of school maintenance with Amma Adarsha patashala Committee (AAPC) to ensure sanitation of toilets and school premises.
  4. Accordingly, Government hereby decided to provide "School Facility Maintenance Grant" to all Government, Local body and Model Schools in the State exclusively to meet the expenses of toilets cleaning, watering of plants and cleaning of school premises in the interest of students.

The detailed guidelines of "School Facility Maintenance Grant" are as follows:-

  • This Grant will be provided in addition to Composite School Grant being provided under Samagra Shiksha.
  • The Grant Shall be released directly to Amma Adarsha Patashala Committees of Schools for a period of (IO) months as per following enrollment slabs:

S. No Enrollment Slab Per school Per Month
1 Zero --
2 1 to 30 Rs. 3,000
3 31 to 100 Rs. 6,000
4 101 to 250 Rs. 8,000
5 251 to 500 Rs. 12,000
6 501 to 750 Rs. 15,000
7 above 750 Rs. 20,000

  • The Amma Adarsha Patashala Committee (AAPC), while drawing amount from account, shall not mention any person name anywhere and in no case amount given directly to individual engaged for this purpose.
  • Amma Adarsha Patashala Committee (AAPC) of the school shall utilize the grant to ensure cleaning Of toilets, cleaning Of school premises and watering of plants in schools, so as to provide clean and hygienic atmosphere for students in Schools. This work does not envisage  engagement of workers on full time or part time in school.
  • The AAPC shall take up the task based on need of the school by frequent cleaning of toilets and cleaning of school premises in a day.
  • The cost of required material for cleaning, sweeping etc., shall be met rom the Composite School Grant released to schools under Samagra Shiksha.
  • The AAPC shall meet the expenditure of engagement of person/persons within the allocated amount of the school and no additional amount is permissible.

  • 5.     The "School Facility Maintenance Grant" will be released from District Mineral Fund Trust (DMÜ)and money will be released for a period of (3) months in advance to Amma Adarsha Patashala Committees of Schools so that AAPCs may take up the task of cleaning of toilets and school premises effectively.

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