Telangana Abbreviation Changed TS to TG | **TG SCHOOLS**

Telangana Abbreviation Changed TS to TG


    πŸ‘‰ Official abbreviation for the Telangana adopted by the Government of India is TG — Replacement of all references to "TS' with "TG" in the nomenclature of all State PSUs, Agencies, Autonomous Institutions and any other Government bodies - Instructions - Issued.

     πŸ‘‰All are informed that  the Office Abbreviation for the Telangana Adopted by Government  of India is "TG" Accordingly, it has been decided to adopt "TG" as the official abbreviation at the state level also with immediate effect

     πŸ‘‰All are directed to replace all references to 'TS" with 'TG" in the nomenclature of all State PSUs, Agencies, Autonomous Institutions and any other Government bodies, official documents (including letterheads, reports, notifications, etc.,), signages within and outside Government offices, Websites and Online platforms and any other official communication.

       πŸ‘‰ All the Special Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries/Secretaries are requested to review with all Government Institutions under their administrative control to ensure this migration seamlessly across the board and specifically ensure the following:

  • Adopt "TG" in all official Documents: All official documents, including policy papers, GOs, notifications, circulars, reports, letter heads, and other communication materials, should use "TG" instead of 'TS", This includes both electronic and hard copy documents.
  • Standardization in Communication: All future official communication, both internal and external, should utilize as the abbreviation for Telangana.
  • Inventory and Stationary: Departments are requested to take stock of existing stationery and printed materials with 'TS." A plan should be devised for their time bound replacement or overprinting with the updated abbreviation 'TG."

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