Updating of children performance (CCE) in the child info website during year 2018 -19 | **TG SCHOOLS**

Updating of children performance (CCE) in the child info website during year 2018 -19

Samagra Shiksha, Telangana State, Hyderabad Updating of children performance in the child info website during year 2018-19

                 All the District Educational Officers and Ex-officio Project Officers of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that the review meeting with DEOs and SOs on implementation Samagra Shiksha interventions in the District, it is observed from many Districts that implementation of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation and analysis of Children performance is not up to the mark. It is come to know during review meeting that most of the Districts have not uploaded children performance data in to Child info website.

               The Samagra Shiksha is collecting the child-wise data and uploading the "child info” website in collaboration with NIC. NIC is developed software for uploading the information of child-wise, class-wise, subject-wise performance using the child-info data. The master data is capturing from the child info, the data is capturing at two levels i.e., School and Mandal level. This year also data is uploading the children performance in formative and summative assessments. The School Heads are providing Cumulative record (meant for 5 classes ie 1-5 or 6-10 classes) to the parents of the Students and after signature parents have to return back Cumulative records to School. This year  Samagra Shiksha is decided to give child-wise Annual progress card at the end of the academic year from 2018-19.

              Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to give instructions to a Mandal Educational Officers, Head Masters, Principals of Welfare Schools & Model Schools, Special Officers of KGBVs to upload children performance and attendance in to Child info website. Further they are requested to follow the guidelines and generate child wise progress cards and issue the same to all children. The reports will be ready soon after entry all data of students.

  • Before last working day of School the children data of 4 Formative Assessment and 2 Summative        Assessment data has to be uploaded in to the child info website.
  • The Annual report w be generated based on the Formative Assessment Marks, Summative                    Assessment Marks and attendance. Hence Head teachers ensure that data shall be uploaded                  before generating Student Progress card.
  • Give instructions to all the MEOs, School Complex Head Masters. Head Masters to generate                Mandal-wise, cluster wise and Schools wise children performance progress reports and conduct          review on results.
  • The DEOs may be requested to generate District wise, class wise and subject wise progress                  reports and conduct review meeting based on the reports, further they are requested to use these          reports as the basis for next year NAS-2019 preparation.
  • DEOs should ensure that Head Masters of all Managements in District should generate and issue        online student Progress cards to all the students.

                   Therefore, the DEOs are once again requested to take necessary steps to upload CCE data in to child info website, Issue online progress cards to all Students and communicate above guidelines to all Schools.

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