Re-engaging of the Services of MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators, CRPs, Messengers | **TG SCHOOLS**

Re-engaging of the Services of MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators, CRPs, Messengers

Rc. No.646/TSSA/Plg./T7/14, Dt:10-04-2018

                  Termination and engaging of the services of MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators, Cluster Resource Persons, Messengers. System Analysts and APOs on outsoursing / Contract basis working at different levels in the TSSA during 2017-18

                   Read: 1. This office Proc. Rc.No.646/TSSA/Plg/T7/2014, Dt:08.06.2017
                              2. Declaration of summer vacation vide Rc. No. 843/Plg-1/DSE/2017, Dt: 04.2018

                    All the District Educational Officers and Ex. Officio Project Officers of TSSA in the state are aware that the services of PTIs, Cluster Resource Persons, MIS Coordinators. Data Entry Operators, Messengers, System Analysts, DLMTs and APOs engaged on outsourcing / Contract basis during the year 2017-18 ceases by 12.04.2018 as per the references read above.

                   They are further instructed to review the performance of Cluster Resource Persons. MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators and Messengers, System Analysts and APOs working at CRCs, MRCs and DPOs during 2017-18 and engage them from 14.04.2018 i.e., one day gap duly reviewing their performance with the approval of the District Collector and Chairperson, SSA.

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