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Quality Monitoring Tools Filling data online by Schools

  • Rc. No. 3212/TSSA/T6/R&E/2017, Dated: 19.09.2017

  • Quality Monitoring Tools Filling data online by Schools

                   All the District Educational Officers and Ex. Officio  Project Officers of SSA in the State are here by informed that Quality Monitoring Tools are open for uploading quality data online for the quarter -I (June - August) School heads and School Complex Headmasters (CRC Coordinators) with the help of CRPs submit the filled up school Monitoring Formats and Complex Monitoring Formats to the Mandal Education Officers and the MIS Coordinator are expected to upload the data into the child info website under the link, QMT Tools. Districts data will be consolidated atdistrict office and submit to state office.

                   In this context all DEOs are instructed to further instruct MEOs to make arrangements to collect data form school point using School Monitoring Formats (SMFs), Cluster information through CMFs and Mandal information through MMFs. During uploading the following instructions may be taken care of 

  • CRPs will collect data form school point using the SMF format School Complex HM should fill the complex data using Complex format (CMF) and MEO or SCHM should fill Mandal format using MMF. All formats will be sent along with the proceedings.
  • MIS Coordinators may be instructed to upload the collected data online once QMT is opened for uploading
  • Whenever load is heavy due to child info data upload, QMT will be closed for that day and MIS coordinators should check time to time and upload the data into QMT
  • Quarter - I Data uploading into QMT should be completed by end of October, 2017
           Therefore all the District Educational Officers and Ex. Officio  Project Officers of SSA in the state are once again requested to take special interest on filling up of QMT forms and computerization at school, complex and mandal level and complete the task in time.

-C& DSC and Ex. Officio  Project Officers of SPD, TSSA

 Download Proceedings and Formats  

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